An Arts Council funded programme of text-based art in a domestic setting, curated by Delpha Hudson & Cornwall Autonomous Zone. The Salon was set up as a researched-based, discursive event that explored a whole range of text-based art practices. Each event was presented as an ‘edition’.
Edition 1 : ‘a word is a bridge thrown between myself and another’, November 2013 with an opening night party, and an exhibition of works which variously included: performance, video, sound pieces, publications, paper based, wall based, and small sculpture works. Edition 1 artists: Julia Alldridge, Sam Bassett, Sovay Berriman, Tilla Brading, Adam Brown, Sally Crabtree, Paul Farmer, Maura Hazelden, Delpha Hudson, Poppy Jackson, Andrew Lanyon, Jim Leftwich, Justin Mckeown, Annabel Other, Steven Paige, Maddy Pethick, Chris Priest, LowProfile, Alan Reed, Drifting Space, D M Thomas, Mr Thursday, Ken Turner, Rebecca Weeks, Weeks & Whitford. Read more: final credits for salon de Textes 1
Salon de Textes Edition 2: the rhythm of fragments 11th April, 2014. Intimate spoken word showcase with an exhibition of art in response to the spoken texts.
Artists sharing and showing work: Ros Bason, Anca Boerlu, Nigel Bispham, Rene Crouch, Mac Dunlop, Maura Hazelden, Delpha Hudson, Anna Keleher, Mark Leahy, Jim Pope, Lynda Powney, Cathy Preston, Chris Priest, Fi Read, Alan Reed, Alex Rodgers, Janine Rook, Mr Thursday, Rebecca Weeks, Jill Whall, Judith Whitehouse, Ian Whitford. Image from performance by Sally Poetree.
Click on link to read more about these artists: Credits edition 2